Medical Mission Team serves at HFHC Annual Clinic
In Haiti, seeing a doctor, dentist, or optometrist is a rare occurrence and a great blessing. At the beginning of each year, HFHC ensures that each sponsored child has access to medical care through our Annual Child Care Clinic.
What to Expect
Our 2016 Medical Mission Team was made up of doctors, nurses and volunteers. The group set up a medical clinic and all sponsored children in the program were brought in to receive medical checkups and receive needed medicines. This is a vital piece of our on-going commitment to these children; their health is very important to their sponsors and to us. In addition, we updated the information about our children, took an updated photo, and gave them school supplies, shirts and other needed items. Our overall purpose is to tangibly demonstrate the love of God. Mission Team members will stay together at a hotel in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Our team travels by bus each day to the hotel/clinic/schools. Each day we awake at 6am and gather for breakfast and a short devotional. By 8am we are on our way to our next clinic site. After returning to the hotel, we will share our evening meal together and have a devotional. If internet access is available, team members may choose to email and/or SKYPE friends back home.

What’s the First Step In Joining HFHC Medical Mission Team
If you are interested in serving on a mission trip, please fill out a Mission Trip Interest Form or you may contact our office at (866) 314-9330. Other questions may be directed to For a more detailed overview, check out our Short Term Medical Missions Packet.
You can Help Today
Through a Child Education Sponsorship, you are helping to lift a child out of poverty and providing them the hope of a better life.
Every penny of your $42/month goes directly to help your sponsored child. No monies are taken out for fundraising or for U.S. administrative expenses.