Orphan Care
Hope For Haiti’s Children is committed to providing a safe and caring home for those in need.
The Cazeau Christian Orphanage and the Thomazeau Christian Orphanage lovingly caring for the poorest of the poor, those who have no one else. The January 2010 earthquake had a terrible impact on the children of Haiti – it’s estimated that an additional 7,000 Haitian children became orphans that day. Today, 62 orphaned children are cared for at the Cazeau Christian Orphanage. Our second orphanage, the Thomazeau Christian Orphanage, opened in 2012 with 9 orphans and has since expanded to provide a home to 12 wonderful children (2015).
The orphanage is a fun, learning place where the children assist with raising chickens and turkeys, play soccer and basketball, as well as learn English and basic computer skills. The children have choir practice every week and love to sing for various wedding and other special events. The older children are taking classes in sewing and baking to equip them with skills as they transition to adult life. All the children memorize God’s Word and have devotionals each night before they sleep.
Whoever is kind to the needy honors God. – Proverbs 14:31
Is Orphan Care a Big Need in Haiti?
The island country of Haiti has been long a land cursed with poverty and natural disasters that seem to pile one on top of another. Crushing poverty, dysfunctional leadership, hurricanes and finally a devastating earthquake have taken a toll upon the people of Haiti. The most afflicted are the ones who can least help themselves, Haiti’s children. It is very normal to see children under ten on their own. For some, it is a struggle to just survive. Never mind an education or a future. Hope for Haiti’s Children began its efforts to care for orphans in 1998 at the Cazeau Christian Orphanage in partnership with local Christian leaders. Currently, 62 orphans are provided with safe housing, meals, clothing, and medical care.