Medical Missions
Hope for Haiti’s Children Annual Clinic for Sponsored Children
Annual Clinic for Sponsored Children
In Haiti, seeing a doctor or dentist is a rare occurrence and a great blessing. At the beginning of each year, HFHC ensures that each sponsored child has access to medical care through our Annual Child Care Clinic. The parents are thrilled for their children to have this opportunity. A day at the clinic means that children will travel by bus to a school where medical staff, U.S. team volunteers, and Haitian translators await their arrival. From the time their name is called, they are greeted by caring volunteers whose #1 mission is serving and sharing the love of Christ with them. It’s a day where many of their needs will be addressed and their voices heard – whether it be medical needs, prayer needs, expressions of gratitude for sponsorship, or their joy upon receiving a bag full of gifts.
Would you like to join us on a Medical Mission Trip? Just fill out the Mission Trip Interest Form and our Mission Trip Coordinator will contact you with upcoming opportunities.

God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.
– Psalm 9:18
1. Child Waiting Area
The children come to the clinic by schools, one school at a time. They arrive by bus, tap-tap, or walking. On arrival, they may have an hour or two wait – our mission team members use this time with the children to give hugs, play games, paint fingernails, or just get to know them a little bit better with the help of a translator.
2. Registration
At registration, each child is given a name tag, clinic forms, and a lunch ticket. Patience is a virtue!
3. Photo
Each year, each child has their picture taken at the clinic. Clinic day is a special day and children are often dressed in their very best clothes.
Our child sponsors will receive a copy of this photo with their child’s annual update.
4. Dental/Eye Assessment
The children are screened for eye/dental issues that may warrant a further exam by the dentist or optometrist.
In preparation for an eye exam, drops for dilation are administered.
5. Height & Weight Station
With the increasing support of HFHC donors providing more meals and more supplements for the children at our two orphanages, these sponsored children have seen a healthy increase in their age-appropriate growth rate. Thank you!
6. Interview
Many of our mission trip members work the interview station. Each child is asked about their family and school. A local interpreter communicates the back-and-forth.
At the start of the interview most children are quite shy but warm up quickly. Love and a smile rarely need translation!
Child Education, Orphan Care, & Daily Bread Sponsors will receive the interview forms filled out during the clinic as part of the annual sponsorship update on their child (usually in March/April).
7. Nurse
Nurses perform and record the results for each child’s blood pressure and temperature. They will note any injuries or signs of sickness and flag the child for a further exam by the doctor, if needed.
8. Doctor
A doctor will exam children who have been flagged as needing a more detailed exam. Often anemia caused by poor nutrition is diagnosed. Some serious issues can arise and, if not immediately treatable, an appointment for the child to see a local specialist is arranged.
9. Eye/Dental Exam
All the children whose initial eye/dental assessment call for a doctor’s examination will be seen at this stage.
The most common dental procedure is tooth pulling for rotted teeth. The children are intimidated by this procedure, but the accompanying parent is so appreciative.
An eye station visit often ends with the child wearing home prescription glasses. These glasses are donated, categorized, and cleaned in the U.S. and brought to Haiti by our optometrists.
Sometimes stylish/sometimes not, the glasses still bring smiles to the children when they look through their “new” glasses for the first time.
10. Pharmacy
A supply of vitamin supplements are donated and distributed to the children each year. If a doctor prescribes a medicine for a child, such as an antibiotic or worm pills, these are distributed as well. Follow up treatments are noted in a child’s record and are handled after the medical clinic at a local clinic, if possible.
11. Gifts
School supplies like rulers, pens, and pencils filled their hand-made totes. Thank you to all the ladies (& gentlemen) who sewed them for the children!
12. Sponsors Receive Update
Around April, sponsors will receive their annual child-update mailing. This large envelope will include their child’s clinic form, photo, and, if available, a translated letter from the child.
Thank you to all the Child Sponsors whom make such a positive impact on the lives of these children!

You Can Help Today
Through a Child Education Sponsorship, you are helping to lift a child out of poverty and providing them the hope of a better life.
Every penny of your $42/month goes directly to help your sponsored child. No monies are taken out for fundraising or for U.S. administrative expenses.