Project Hope 2030

Project Hope Video

A 10-Year Vision

In November 2019, the Board of Directors for Hope for Haiti’s Children developed Project Hope, a long-term plan with the ultimate goal of providing a comprehensive and sustainable infrastructure to continually develop outstanding leaders. Project Hope will fund the following:


Double the capacity of our Thomazeau Christian Orphanage to house 24 children

Fund the construction and operation of a health and wellness clinic at our Hope Center in Thomazeau for the orphanage, the school, the church, and the community

Provide 5/day/week hot lunch programs in all of our schools


Hire a local, registered nurse in every school who will eventually be funded to work every school day to follow-up on the medical needs of the school children and provide health and wellness education for the children and parents

Improve learning opportunities for our children by building individual classrooms for each grade in every school rather than continuing to have schools where grades share an auditorium with partitions

Expand our schools so that all children can attend all the way through their 13th Grade in an HFHC-affiliated Christian high school and all children in our schools are sponsored.


Expand the vocational and job training so that all our orphaned children have a skill they can use to earn a living as well as build a vocational training center to train teens to become electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and carpenters at our Hope Center.

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. – Matthew 10:14

How You Can Make an Eternal Impact in the Lives of Haitian children

Project Hope is our plan to strengthen the programs and services provided to all our sponsored children. Some of our ten schools need significant capital investments. Project Hope plans call for two schools to be built and for additional classrooms to be constructed at existing schools. Each new classroom will need new desks and a chalkboard. Within the Project Hope framework, all students will receive spiritual training at their local schools and leadership opportunities at Camp Hope.

In response to the overwhelming need for adequate nutrition, Project Hope ensures that every student receives a nutritious lunch every school day and has access to clean drinking water. In addition, with so many families lacking health information and access, a goal is to improve accessibility of health care. Project Hope highlights the need for excellence in orphan care by planning facility improvements and by developing vocational training programs that will equip older students with essential skills for independent living.

Annual Project Hope Updates

You Can Help Today

Through a Child Education Sponsorship, you are helping to lift a child out of poverty and providing them the hope of a better life.

Every penny of your $42/month goes directly to help your sponsored child. No monies are taken out for fundraising or for U.S.
administrative expenses.

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