Christian Leadership Youth Camp
Each year, the Haitian teens in our sponsorship program are invited to attend Christian leadership youth camps. These summer camps include time for devotionals, discussion groups, and recreational activities for about 180 sponsored Haitian teens. The goal is to encourage and equip them to become mature Christian leaders in their homes, churches, and communities. Three sessions of camp are held in two different locations: younger students attend Camp Hope at Thomazeau, and older students visit the Global Outreach facility in Titanyen. These camps require numerous volunteers who will conduct four-day camps for students who are ages 13-17.
If you are interested in joining us as a staff member for a week of camp, please fill out a Mission Trip Interest Form. For other questions, call us at (866) 314-9330 or email us at
Whoever is kind to the needy honors God
– Proverbs 14:31

Campers are physically separated from the powerful influences of their home environment and are immersed in a contrasting, Christ-centerd, loving community.

The activities of daily camp life teach valuable social skills. The bonding that occurs through playing, worshiping, facing challenges, and learning together internalizes values taught and translates experience into character formation.

At camp, teens are paired with a Haitian young adult team counselor and a U.S. mission team member who work together to lead their small group. Camps are ideal nuturing environments for developing leaders for church and society.

Christian Values
Leadership camps powerfully communicate spiritual truths and spur spiritual growth among campers as they spend time in the midst of God’s creation, participate in Bible studies, worship, play, relax, and take time to reflect.