Pageste Christian Schools

Pageste, pronounced Pä-jest, is a small village about mile north of the Artibonite River from the city of Mirebalais. People travel to the village either by swimming across the river or by being ferried across in a handmade wooden boat. Once children complete elementary school, they attend a secondary school in the nearby city of Mirebalais.

School Info

Official School Name: Ecole Chretienne de Pageste
Principal: Belijor DuVerne
Total Students: 150
Number Sponsored: 86
Number of Teachers: 8
Grades Taught: Preschool (K1-K2), Kindergarten (K3) – 6th Grade
Facility: The school building, funded with grants from Hope for Haiti’s Children, is constructed of concrete block with a metal roof and a concrete floor. It also serves as the meeting place for the Pageste Church of Christ. This remote school has electricity thanks to a Solar Electric System.

Current Needs – Pageste

Furnishings – The school needs additional 8 benches with desktops and 4 chalkboards.
($150/bench and $125/chalkboard)

Plates, Cups, and Spoons – We need to replace and purchase additional pots, plates, spoons, and cups for the lunch program. ($1,000)

Friday VBS & Summer Lunch Program – The school wants to host a weekly VBS on Fridays in the summer and feed the children a hot meal with a take-home bag of rice and beans every week ($32/child)

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