Dubuisson Christian Elementary School

Dubuisson, pronounced Doo-bē-säw, is a small village about 5 miles northwest of Mirebalais on a major paved road. The area of Dubuisson has fertile soil, with rice and other crops grown there. This school has added grades 7-9 to better serve the children in the area.

School Info

Official School Name: Ecole Chrétien de Dubuisson
Principal: Jesuclair Colo
Vice Principals: Decent Ellise
Total Students: 262
Students Sponsored: 146
Number of Teachers: 9 (elementary) and contract teachers for 7th-11th
Grades Taught: Preschool (K1-K2), Kindergarten (K3), 1st -11th Grade
School Hours: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (Kindergarten 8:00 – noon)
Facility: The school buildings, funded with grants from Hope for Haiti’s Children, are constructed of concrete block with metal roofs and concrete floors. The auditorium also serves as the meeting place for the Dubuisson Church of Christ.

Current Needs – Dubuisson

12th & 13th Grade Classrooms – Two secondary school grade classrooms (12th and 13th grades) are needed to complete the entire secondary school at this Christian school. Currently, sponsored children after 9th grade travel 5 miles each day to a private school in Mirebalais to complete their schooling ($20,000 per classroom = $40,000 total)

Furnishings – The school needs 20 new benches with desktops, 2 teacher desks, and 2 new chalkboards. ($200/bench, $250/teacher desk, $125/chalkboard)

Friday VBS & Summer Lunch Program – The school wants to host a weekly VBS on Fridays in the summer and feed the children a hot meal with a take-home bag of rice and beans every week ($32/child)

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