Together, we can provide more than just a meal. We can provide hope!

It Takes a Team: Food on Their Plates & Better Learning

See how HFHC is battling hunger and malnutrition by feeding school children & orphans in Haiti. If you’re not yet involved, you can quickly and easily become a partner with us by donating to our Children’s Food Fund. Please consider making a difference… one child at a time.
The Children’s Food Fund blesses over 3,000 children each week. Since 2013, HFHC has been grateful to receive thousands of pounds of highly fortified meals from organizations who are focused on hunger relief and from compassionate donors who contribute to the HFHC Children’s Food Fund.

Throughout Haiti, hunger and malnutrition threaten to destroy the lives of children. Many children eat just one meal a day and if a school lunch is provided for them, this is likely their one meal. Studies have found that serving lunch will improve a child’s ability to focus and learning will increase along with their overall health. Won’t you please consider joining us in providing school lunches in our supported schools and orphanages in Haiti?”

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. – Matthew 10:14

Partner Organizations

Many organizations contribute their time, money, and efforts to bring these highly nutritious meals to Haiti. Learn more about our partnerships.

Interested in becoming a Partner Organization, contact us at

You Can Help Today

Through a Child Education Sponsorship, you are helping to lift a child out of poverty and providing them the hope of a better life.

Every penny of your $36/month goes directly to help your sponsored child. No monies are taken out for fundraising or for U.S.
administrative expenses.

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