Become a Child Sponsor

Just $36 a month to Change a Life.

What We Do

Hope for Haiti’s Children helps impoverished children by aiding in their well-being in these key areas: spiritual, education & training, housing, health care, and nutrition.

Introduction to Hope for Haiti’s Children

Hope for Haiti’s Children strives to demonstrate Christian compassion to poverty-bound Haitian children and their families, providing opportunities for these children to become leaders in their homes, churches, and communities.

2023 Mission Metrics

Christmas Joy Boxes

Child Capacity at Our Christian Orphanage

Child Sponsorships

School Lunch Programs

Christian Youth Camp Attendees

Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? – James 2:5

Latest from the Newsroom

Provide Emergency Relief Kits

Provide Emergency Relief Kits

I wanted to give you an update on what's happening with our Hope for Haiti’s Children ministry in Haiti. Despite some serious challenges, we're thankful that nine of our...

The Heart of Our Mission

The Heart of Our Mission

The heart of our mission is spiritual training. More than just Bible studies, we bring experiences that transform. In the heart of Camp Hope, a transformative journey unfolds for...

Why Your Giving Matters

Why Your Giving Matters

Although we are still rejoicing over God's faithfulness and your continued support in 2023 (see completed projects below), we are eager to tackle what's ahead in 2024! There are...

How to Help

Sponsor a Child

Just $36/month can change the life of a child

Children's Food Fund

Please help to fight hunger in Haiti.


Make a Difference…One Child at a Time

Project Hope

Infrastructure improvements which help all our children

Joy Boxes!

Simple Gifts packed with Love

Who We Are

Our Mission

Read about our mission and values.

Our Team

View our U.S. team, our Haiti team and our board of directors.

Our Partners

View our corporate partners, non-profit partners and our sister organizations.

Our Transparency

Hope for Haiti’s Children Ministries, Inc.® is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Our Policies

We strive for the highest level of integrity and transparency throughout all levels of our organization.

Projects Completely Funded

Follow Along

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

– Proverbs 31:8-9

"This organization does amazing work for the children in Haiti, and their families. HFHC's leadership and staff are excellent to work with because they strive to love and serve like Jesus. HFHC also scores a perfect 100%, in finances, accountability, and transparency, from Charity Navigator. So, you know that when you give to HFHC, those funds are used for their intended purpose."

– Jeremy McKeel

Great Nonprofit Top Rated badge
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