Orphanage Kitchen & Dining Hall Complete!

May 1, 2017


We thank God for the completion of the 1400 sq. ft. dining hall and kitchen facilities at the Thomazeau Christian Orphanage! Our children are thrilled to now have a place of their own to eat together, listen to Bible stories, do their homework, play games, and interact with our mission teams. Thanks to all who provided the funding to make this a reality through your end of year gifts and Rebuilding Hope 2020 donations. You have enabled us to not only complete this major capital project, but we were also able to fund more than $79,000 in capital improvements to our ten Christian school facilities in 2016.

We were blessed to have reached our Rebuilding Hope end of year goal of $3 million on our way to our target of $5 million by the end of 2020.

As we look ahead to the plans for this year, we would appreciate your prayers and continued financial assistance as we have many orphanage, school, and Camp Hope projects ready to start. We were recently blessed to receive a donation of solar panels from SolarWorld with JDSolar providing free installation. This leaves us with only $25,000 to raise for a complete solar-powered system on the roof of the dining hall which will dramatically lower our fuel costs from $500/month to $50/month. We also want to continue the construction of a permanent shower house for Camp Hope and build a new kindergarten building at Brajirois.

Many thanks to all our supporters, dedicated staff, and volunteers who have helped us bring hope to so many!


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