New Chicken Coop at the Orphanage

May 5, 2024

At the Cazeau Christian Orphanage, a new chicken coop has become more than just a home for feathered friends; it’s a gateway to education and nutrition for the children. As they engage in the daily care of the chickens, the children are not only learning the fundamentals of raising chickens but also cultivating responsibility and teamwork. Moreover, the presence of chickens is addressing a crucial nutritional need in their diet.

With protein-rich eggs now readily available, these children are enjoying improved health and vitality. In Haiti, where malnutrition persists, this initiative is a beacon of hope, offering practical skills and healthy nutrition. Through the simple act of tending to chickens, the children of Cazeau Christian Orphanage are not only enriching their lives but also learning to provide a healthier future for themselves and for their future families.

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