Projects to Consider

Each year we become aware of school and orphanage needs, facility repairs and improvements, needs for nourishment, and spiritual outreach. Please prayerfully consider donating funds to provide for one of the needs below. To make a donation click on the button below.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. – Proverbs 31:8-9

Books for the Library
All of our 10 schools need a resupply of books. This school year, they have some new books that need to be purchased. ($2,000 per school)
Orphan Care
Hope For Haiti’s Children is committed to providing a safe and caring home for those in need. The Cazeau Christian Orphanage and the Thomazeau Christian Orphanage lovingly caring for the poorest of the poor, those who have no one else. Currently, 60 orphans are provided with safe housing, meals, clothing, and medical care. Some the current orphans care needs are:
Toys: large jump ropes, soccer balls, basketballs, jacks, marbles ($250)
Replace mattresses and sheets ($1,000)
Clothes and shoes ($1,000)
Paint for School
Five of our schools are in need of a fresh coat of paint. This will preserve the buildings and brighten the learning environment for the kids. ($1,000 each school)
School Nurse Kits
The school nurses need replenished medical kits for the 2022-2023 school year. This includes bandages, first aid kits, and more. ($500 per school)
Sponsor a Child
Sponsor a child to go to school and receive annual clinic visits and a chance to attend Camp Hope. ($42 per month) Learn More >
Support Project Hope
Project Hope is our plan to strengthen the programs and services provided to all our sponsored children. Learn More >
You Can Help Today
Through a Child Education Sponsorship, you are helping to lift a child out of poverty and providing them the hope of a better life.
Every penny of your $42/month goes directly to help your sponsored child. No monies are taken out for fundraising or for U.S.
administrative expenses.