Go! Small Group/Project Based Missions
What to Expect
Hot temperatures, warm hearts! Small group mission teams are a great way for your church, college, young-adult group to serve the people of Haiti. Some groups come with a specific project to complete, such as installing fencing for goats, pouring concrete for additional school classrooms, or planting a garden. Some groups hold classes for the community – Sewing, Language, Small Business. Some groups will choose to travel to an HFHC school or orphanage and provide a Vacation Bible School for the children. The Hope for Haiti’s Children Thomazeau Hope Center is northeast of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The $400/week per person cost includes pick-up/drop-off service from the airport to the center and breakfast & dinner each day (members must bring items to Haiti for their own packed lunches for the week). Please be aware that the 1½ hour drive to the center has a 7-mile stretch of unpaved, rough road and that our HFHC bus is not air-conditioned . The Hope Center Team House is equipped with 16 dormitory-style beds (8 for women and 8 for men) each with sheets and a pillow. Limited running water is available for showers, flushable toilets, and the kitchen sink. The house kitchen is equipped with dishes, utensils, an oven, and a stove. Haiti can be very hot and humid, please make potential team members aware that the Team House is not air-conditioned (though most rooms have an electric fan).
We trust that your time spent in Haiti will be a rich and meaningful spiritual experience. Your presence will bless the children and we hope will bless you in return. You will see much poverty – overwhelming poverty. You might feel at a loss as to how to cope with it. We encourage you to look into the poverty – look beyond it. You will see the riches of Haiti in her people, their great faith and reliance on God. You’ll see the strength and determination in the daily struggle for survival. You’ll see the beauty of God’s creativeness in the land. Open your hearts and your eyes and you can’t miss it! Then, you will be an awesome blessing to your brothers & sisters, as you will in turn be blessed.

What’s the First Step In Joining a Mission Team
If you are interested in serving on a mission trip, please fill out a Mission Trip Interest Form or you may contact our office at (866) 314-9330. Other questions may be directed to missions@hopeforhaitischildren.org.
You can Help Today
Through a Child Education Sponsorship, you are helping to lift a child out of poverty and providing them the hope of a better life.
Every penny of your $42/month goes directly to help your sponsored child. No monies are taken out for fundraising or for U.S. administrative expenses.