Join Us for Orphan Care Sunday

Aug 21, 2024

Orphan Sunday, observed on the second Sunday in November, is a global event where people come together to advocate for orphaned and vulnerable children. Since 2004, churches and communities have united to reflect God’s heart for these children, bringing hope and love to those who need it most.

Around the world, millions of children grow up without the love and security of a family. Many live in orphanages, while others face life on the streets, in trafficking, or forced into child combat. Haiti is no exception.

At Hope for Haiti’s Children, we believe that every child is seen, valued, and loved by God. He knows each one by name, and we are committed to ensuring these children are not forgotten.

This year, we’re inviting you to participate in Orphan Care Sunday. While it’s often a church-wide event, it can just as easily be organized by a Sunday school class, small group, or youth group. Whatever the scale, your involvement will be a blessing to the children at the Hope for Haiti’s Children Cazeau Christian Orphanage.

How You Can Help:
The goal of Orphan Care Sunday is simple: raise awareness and financial support for the Cazeau Christian Orphanage. One way you can do this is by hosting a meal where participants share a simple, inexpensive dish, and then contribute what they would have spent on a restaurant meal to the orphanage.

100% of the funds raised will go directly to the orphanage. And here’s the exciting part: all donations will be matched, doubling the impact on the lives of these children!

Could you encourage your church, small group, or community to remember and support orphans during one of your gatherings this November?

Resources to Help You Get Started:
We’ve prepared free resources to help you plan your event. You can download them here. If you’d like additional materials, such as customized posters featuring the Hope for Haiti’s Children logo, feel free to contact us by email.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of Haiti’s orphans. Will you join us?

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