Provide Emergency Relief Kits

Mar 14, 2024

I wanted to give you an update on what’s happening with our Hope for Haiti’s Children ministry in Haiti. Despite some serious challenges, we’re thankful that nine of our Christian schools are operating this week or re-opening next week. Our sponsored children not only receive an education, but also receive a hot meal each school day.

We also thank God that our orphanage in Port-au-Prince, which cares for 61 children, is in a relatively safe area near the airport. They have access to solar electric power and enough food to last for several months.

The violent gangs expanded into Delmas neighborhoods where many of our sponsored children live. Many families had to flee their homes or face certain death — literally with only the clothes on their backs. Our Haiti team has identified 400 families who need immediate help.

In response to these challenges, we are mobilizing our efforts to ensure these families have adequate food and supplies as they shelter in various locations throughout the city. As supplies are dwindling, our Haiti team has contacted several trusted vendors to prepare 400 families with emergency relief kits, which will contain rice, beans, salt, cooking oil, spaghetti, butter, smoked herring, and personal care items. Yesterday, we received news that a generous donor will match 100% of all gifts to our crisis relief efforts until we reach our goal of $40,000. Each kit will cost $100… so, every $50 you donate will be matched to provide an emergency relief kit to a sponsored child’s family.

We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and will keep you updated on the status. We are so thankful for our courageous Haitian Christian staff who are serving on the “front lines” of this ministry. Please continue to pray for the safety of our staff and children and that outside rescue efforts can be organized to put an end to the violence and suffering. Thank you so much for your partnership.


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