A quality education is a vital component of a child’s future, and our ten Christian schools have remained open despite the security challenges — educating all 3,200 children in our growing sponsorship ministry every school day. Some of our schools still meet in one-room schoolhouses and many need significant capital improvements. A key goal of Project Hope is for every child to learn in a well-lit, individual classroom in a Christian school they are proud to attend.
This past year, Project Hope funding helped us make huge improvements at the Pageste and Cite Soleil Christian schools. Existing individual classrooms were plastered and painted, and new classrooms were built at these schools so that now all students have an individual classroom to call their own!
This year we hope to move forward with three major school construction projects. The first project will complete our brand-new Hinche Christian School. The school will now be able to expand up to the 13th grade in a wonderful, two-story, earthquake-resistant facility. The second major matching gift effort is at the Thomazeau Christian School, which educates over 525 children in Pre-K through 9th grade. Project Hope matching funds this year will help us complete the U-shaped secondary school – building the four remaining classrooms, library, computer lab, and office. What an amazing opportunity to complete this school through the final high school grade! The third major Project Hope project is the first-floor construction of our new Mirebalais Christian School. What a blessing this will be for the 200 children who currently all meet in a oneroom schoolhouse across the street.
Consider becoming a Project Hope financial partner. You can see all the specific projects we hope to fund and see our progress toward each effort at the web site www.MillionDollarImpact.org.